Світланко, ти унікальна і талановита особистість

Ти обовʼязково досягнеш успіху. І твоя доброта і наполегливість тобі допоможуть.

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It's very inspiring to read your journey and encouraging to see your approach. When someone picks and adapts the relevant out of different traditions you get rid of the dogmatic aspects (dangerous) and get only the good out of it. Plus I wasn't familiar at all with Alan Watts, alas I fancied eastern teachings reading What Makes You Not a Buddhist by Khyentse Norbu - book that, had not my roomate shared it with me, I'd never picked by myself in the bookstore.

It marvels me that the good of spirituality travels through shared introspection of others - like this post of yours. An (insecure, to be fair) hyper rationalist as I am benefits especially from it! Thank you

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Your journey through various belief systems is truly inspiring. It's fascinating how you've interwoven elements from different cultures into your personal belief compass. On a related note, In blending Eastern and Western spiritual concepts, did you find certain aspects challenging to reconcile, and if so, how did you navigate these challenges? I think I face this difficulty personally and would love to know how you tackle this.

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love where this piece landed and that you linked the Spotify song :) life is not a journey was my first intro to Alan Watts!

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