Oct 28, 2023Liked by Svitlana Midianko

"These days I trust my gut feeling. I trust intuition and its summation of all experiential knowledge that my conscious self hasn't processed yet. Intuition cannot be described in words, numbers, or scribbles. I just feel it."

Oh, I LOVE this. Thank you for writing & sharing, Svitlana :)

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Thank you Sandra so much!

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"If you don’t allow yourself to feel, you’re procrastinating truth" Hit home for me.

It still sometimes feels like my emotions go through dozens of layers of intellectual refinement before I can answer a simple "How are you" question lol

Intuitive living gang let's go!

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I love this. I've attributed living intuitively with being present, but you take it a step further: "dancing in the present". Oh the joy that connotes!

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This was beautiful Svitlana. Really enjoyed!

Especially loved "Living intuitively means dancing in the present, setting aside the overthinking mind. These days I trust my gut feeling. I trust intuition and its summation of all experiential knowledge that my conscious self hasn't processed yet. Intuition cannot be described in words, numbers, or scribbles. I just feel it."

So so good. Thank you for sharing :)

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